Slave Training

My name is Goddess Saffron. I am a Femdom, Financial Dominatrix and Hypnodomme. Welcome to heObeys, the first of it’s kind, online slave training course academy, interactive workhouse and slave community.

How does slave training work?

Here at heObeys I am going to take you on the journey of a lifetime. You will undergo My slave training courses from beginner to advanced. You are going to delve deeper and deeper into the main principles of enslavement. As you develop as a slave, you will watch your male ego dissolve and your devotion grow. The more you achieve, the more slave privileges you will unlock. Oh, I have so much in store for you My pet!

Each slave training course has been developed by Myself, Goddess Saffron. Through My extensive experience and knowledge of the male psyche, all males hold the potential to become a cog in My machine. However, this is more than just fantasy.

Is this real slave training?

Before you eagerly start your journey, I want you to understand that this is indeed REAL slave training. My conditioning is not for the faint-hearted as there will be many challenges ahead. However, that voice deep within you is begging to experience the trials I have ready for you. Just by reading this, I know you are already ripe and ready to explore your inner submissive needs. It is time for you to end the fantasy and make it reality.

Can I be a slave?

Becoming My slave is going to be an experience you will never forget. Maybe you have been on the search for the right Domme for many years. Maybe you are eager to develop your new found submissive feelings. Regardless, heObeys is going to unfold your real potential day by day. I am going to unlock the true slave within you. Each slave course is filled with real challenging tasks, tests and assignments.  I am going to push your boundaries My pet. However, that’s not all… because with every act of servitude you will earn points and achievements. As a result, you will fall deeper into real enslavement.

Are you ready to make your fantasy a reality? I know the slave inside you is screaming YES!

[su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#cb1528″ size=”12″ center=”yes”]Start your journey[/su_button]

Latest slave Testimonials

No escape

i tried in vain to escape. As predicted, i have now returned, humble and repentant. Goddess Saffron’s allure and beauty have overwhelmed me again. I am not yet a fearless slave in her army. But I will now try to achieve the goal of 100% slavery.

May 26, 2024

Goddess Saffron the best of all

Goddess Saffron embodies captivating beauty from head to toe, each feature a testament to allure. Her face, adorned with captivating eyes and adorned with the perfect shade of lipstick, exudes elegance. Her meticulously manicured hands, adorned with vibrant nails, are a testament to her attention to detail. Every curve of her body, from her mesmerizing bosom to her adorned belly, is a masterpiece. Her legs, encased in sleek nylon and elevated by high heels, are the epitome of sensuality. Beyond her physical grace, her intellect is equally captivating, capable of ensnaring the hearts and minds of all who seek her guidance. In her presence, one can’t help but be mesmerized, knowing that beneath her enchanting exterior lies a brilliance that captivates and enthralls.

-Lac7759 (slave 15282)
May 21, 2024


I am very excited about my slave training, and long for more domination by Goddess Saffron

May 10, 2024

A journey begins with the first step…

i want to tell you my appreciation to have come across You, Goddess Saffron. Today i started the beginner course completing the first lesson. it filled me with great joy, calm and humility to recite the prayer naked before You. It made me see and feel how small and insignificant i am.

May 9, 2024